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Public Sector actually done good – RSA

Posted in Business,NOT PUBLISHED IN MEDIA by Peter Kearney on 07/02/2010

I’ve been critical of the public sector in other posts but they have done real good on this one and it doesn’t come much more crtical than saving lives! We are now in the top 10 safe road driving nations having reduced deaths by a third! The RSA – Noel Brett and all staff – deserve a big round of applause for this one.


Some might say that things were so bad that it could only get better – NO WAY! Things can always get worse and the improvement all depends on the people you have and how well they are managed, developped, supported and receive feedback. I remember attending an interview in the RSA about 3 – 4 years ago for the role of HR Manager. I did a good interview but didn’t get the job due to experience in that type of organisation. I wasn’t terribly impressed by the interview but I was impressed with the feedback I got. It certainly helped to give me more direction – I’ll never forget it.

I don’t agree with bonus being paid as incentives or rewards per sey and the public sector has come in for a lot of stick in this area. But if that is the culture we are in then these guys should get them. It doesn’t come much more important than saving lives. Maybe if we focused more on rewarding good performance and behaviour and ensuring that all rewards (financial and non-financial) are based on improving company performance and not simply based on the passing of time then we would have a system that more people could trust and have confidence in.

Appreciate your thoughts…